5 Popular Floral Arrangements for Hand Bouquets and Baskets


Most florists hold various flowers for different arrangements that fit every occasion. Some of them even offer fresh flower bouquets for delivery anywhere in Singapore. The floral arrangement aims to make each bloom stand out.

Here are five of the most popular hand bouquets and basket arrangements in Singapore and abroad.

#1 Elliptical

The flowers are in the shape of an ellipse. Florists commonly use roses, sunflowers, dahlias, lotus, tuberoses, lilies, and other bright flowers. Florists typically use this style for birthday and wedding flower bouquet arrangements.

#2 Vertical

It is a popular floral arrangement in flower baskets and hand bouquets for any occasion in Singapore. These arrangements use various flowers with various colours, types and forms.

#3 Horizontal

Flowers of various hues are in rows or zigzag patterns as flower baskets or hand bouquets for any occasion in Singapore. Flowers commonly used for this arrangement are intensely perfumed or aromatic.

#4 Triangular

The floral arrangement is triangular and typically has a large flower in the centre. It adds to the overall beauty of the flower arrangement. These flowers are wrapped in glossy and translucent cellophane wrappers, perfect for get well soon flowers and simple bouquets.

#5 Oval

This style of flower arrangement is oval. Flowers, green stems, and leaves are chopped and trimmed into an oval shape before being skilfully arranged in various floral arrangements such as bouquets, baskets, and bunches. The floral arrangement appears thick and bushy and is highly appealing. Many florists use this style for a condolence basket or wreath in Singapore and abroad.

Flowers and Kisses offer beautiful bouquets by experienced florists to satisfy your demands. Clients may order floral arrangements for anniversaries, funerals, birthdays, and condolences. They cater to every occasion you can think of and also offer fresh flower delivery anywhere in Singapore. Visit their website to discover more about their products and services.
